**All exclusive sponsorship levels have been claimed.**
Sponsor/Exhibitor: $750 – 1 complimentary registration. Logo display in the event/seminar room. Logo on website and in attendee materials. Acknowledgment during the event announcements. One table and two chairs in the exhibitor area. List of attendees with contact info one week prior to and within two weeks after the program is complete.
Exhibitor: $500 – 1 complimentary registration. One table and two chairs in the exhibitor area. List of attendees with contact info one week prior to and within two weeks after the program is complete.
Sponsor a Give-Away: $200 Any exhibitor or sponsor may provide a gift or gift basket for giveaways. Choose this option and the EBI staff will do the shopping for you and have everything ready to go at the event! We will reach out on a first come, first served basis to help you select your sponsored give-away.
Bring a Give-Away: All sponsors may provide a gift or gift basket, up to a $250 value, for giveaways during or at the end of the EBI Conference. Items must be received by April 23, 2025
Electrical access requested